Monday, May 10, 2010

My perpective of Globalization

Globalization involves all the practices and processes that facilitates the interaction of the information rich and information poor nations of the world.
Ada Sonia


Anonymous said...

Globalization is the process of bridging the gap between the developed countries of the world and the underdeveloped/developing nations with the aim of acheiving a barrier free world, interms of communication and trade. The general idea of globalization is to create a global village,promote peace and stability. OKAFOR IFUNANYA 07BE05531

suzhn said...

Ifunanya's view on globalization is to promote peace and stability, however i think Globalization has brought about war and terrorism because the cons of globalization is far more than the pro's. in my own terms, globalization is the bringing together of different culture and economic system to connect together and have improved communication.

racheal said...

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
I honestly don’t buy the idea of restricting this issue according to Miss Ada to an information based interaction with other nations, from my above definition cuts across different phases. Interactions mostly turn out to be mutual but the effects on globalization are actually imposed for the benefit of different worlds.
As a Scholar of globalization I have found out that interdependence have consistently maintained that globalization is the rational end point of human development, and that it is capable of impacting positively on the life of state actors that integrate their economies.
To conclude my stand on what globalization means to me, Globalization is about growing structural differentiation and functional integration in world economy; it is about growing interdependence across the globes, it is about the nation-state coming from under pressure from the surge of transnational phenomenon; about the emergence of a global mass culture Then driven by(information) mass advertising and technical advances in mass communication.

Joanna Icha said...

According to Susan,globalization is the bringing together of different cultural and economic systems to connect together and have improved communication, but i think, I would like to add that globalization is the process of bringing the different aspects of one nation, country or society together with other nations under one universal umbrella enhanced by technological advancement.

Judith said...

Globalization is the bringing together of different cultural and economic systems to connect together and have improved communication quite alright, but everyone is focusing majorly on the culture aspect, lets no forget that the technological aspect is also part of it. The developing countries are left with no option but to accept whatever technology the developed countries give them because they have none on their own. These developed countries give us outdated technological equipments, and us without knowing just rush to collect it. Globalization has been seen as a real problem in the third world and it’s yet to be solved. EKEZIE JUDITH, 07BE05505

racheal said...

globalization is the coming together of different cultures, economic, political and social ideologies to from different parts of the world to form an astounding whole which is supposed to be achieved by either an active contribution or absolute dormancy by different countries and borders.
active contribution in the sense that some countries are flooding the global village with all sort of things and on the other hand, absolute dormancy in the sense that some countries are silent and consume what is being handed down to them, either ways they still contribute in their silence.
in contradicting ifunanya and susan, globalization is not to blame for the outcome because i think that each country is responsible for how globalization turns out for them, whether pro or con, it would be good if we see globalization as a tool we can use to shape our world be it for good or bad, its entirely up to us.

blesyn said...

globalization in an economical sense is bridging the gap between the rich nations and the poor nations and imposing of the rich on the poor to make the world a one big place of economic wealth and i totally agree with racheal because globalization is not to blame for how poor a country is or how rich

Anonymous said...

Globalization in my point of view is beaking barriers and boundries between nations of the world with the aim of making the world one and introducing a common ideology and culture which is the Pop culture.
i dissagree with Ifunnaya that Globalization is promoting peace and stablity. To me, it is imposing on people's ideology and this is to me causes conflict. This is evident in the Eastern nations who are fighting anything Western.

Ducchess kk said...

Blessyn is dwelling on only the economical aspect of globalization, however i feel globalization is all encompassing. Globalization involves the unprecedented changes that have led the world to interdependence.It is not restricted to but involves usse of advanced technology,socio-poltical cum economic changes and the exchange of ideas over boarders.Like everything else in the world it has its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages have been enjoyed by the West and its disadvantages mainly suffered by the 3rd World nations.It has led to the spread of ideas, acculturation and even cultural imperialism.Through globalization most boundaries have been alterred by the new Global village syndrome. Omu Ibada1..07BE05537

Anonymous said...

I beg to disagree with Blessing Etidiakaba in saying that globalization is bridging the gap between the information rich and information poor nations which is not the case in the international communication system which is characterized by imbalance, inequility, imperialism and so on. In my own view, globalization is the concept whereby technologically developed nations that or first world use the third world or underdeveloped nations as their dumping ground for their product (mostly substandard) and control world resources, hereby, giving the underdeveloped nations something to keep lamenting about. Through the removal of boundaries in the global system, the first world can now come and manipulate the market of the developing nations all in the name of globalization, for example, the importation of refridgerator and generators into underdeveloped nations instead to giving then information that will help build them, the first world nations know what information can do to a nation especially when it is right so they keep reprting and dumping bad things about and to us and keep enriching themselves.
In conclusion, i will like to say that globalization is like an hired thief of the first world nations to steal away the little freedom left to the second and third world nations at their independence. OKAKA SARAH C. 07BE05532

dolamu said...

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has really has effects on the environment, on culture, on political ways of life, on the economy, and on human physical society

dolamu said...

Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has really has effects on the environment, on culture, on political ways of life, on the economy, and on human physical society

Onimole Oludolamu..07be05538

dolamu said...

Globalization" is a term which may be defined in two, partially-overlapping ways.

Cultural Globalization

In its most innocuous sense, globalization simply refers to the complex of forces that trend toward a single world society. Among these forces are mass communications, commerce, increased ease of travel, the internet, popular culture, and the increasingly widespread use of English as an international language.
Globalization vs. National Sovereignty

The more important sense of the term refers to a process, well underway, which trends toward the undermining of national sovereignty, and therefore citizen's rights, in favor of the economic interests of gigantic transnational corporations

Anonymous said...

Globalization is difficult to define. Globalization scholars regularly debate what is actually meant by the term. However, most agree on two things:

globalization is happening
globalization is a process of increasing interconnectedness.

Akinsunola Banke::07be05492

Odukale Bowale said...

In my own words, Globalization can be defined as a process whereby of making the globe or world as one through high level network communication. In order words it brings nations together including their way of life e.g Culture

"Culture" is defined as patterns of human activity and the symbols that give these activities significance. Culture is what people eat, how they dress, beliefs they hold, and activities they practice. Globalization has joined different cultures and made it into something different

According to Ifunaya and Blessing i believe it is not really bridging the gap between developed and developing countries because these developed countries continue to impose things on the developing ones and even painting them bad in every aspect of life especially in news reportage.Even some of these developed countries still practice what is known as racism till date.
And in terms of economic aspect the developing nations especially the third world nations contribute a lower percentage to the world revenue making third world countries lacking behind economically
Odukale Bowale 07BE05526

MaryJane said...

I certainly do not agree with Sarah on her view as globalization being a hired thief. I would say globalization is the whole world in a sitting room communicating and moving around (transportation) with little or no boundaries.
Ngwodo MaryJane 07BE05520

Anonymous said...

Globalization is the coming together of both the economic buoyant nations and the non buoyant nations to create a unified global village where there are less economic power display and authority. In other words globalization is taking away the barriers that exist between the economic rich nations and poor ones. according to Banke it is the process of increasing interconnectedness no doubt but between who and who or what and what?

Anonymous said...

Globalization is the coming together of both the economic buoyant nations and the non buoyant nations to create a unified global village where there are less economic power display and authority. In other words globalization is taking away the barriers that exist between the economic rich nations and poor ones. according to Banke it is the process of increasing interconnectedness no doubt but between who and who or what and what? TOMBIA ONYEKA 07BE05545

Anonymous said...

Generally, Globalization can be defined as the process whereby all boundaries of countries of the world have being shrunk into one global village as a result of the advancement in communication technologies, modern political economic and cultural ideologies.
I dare to disagree with Maryjane's perspective of globalization.Taking a critical look at globalization, it is not all countries of the world that are carried along in this process.It is more like the western countries sitting round a table and making decisions for the whole world, which could have a positive or negative effect on developing countries.JEJELOYE TOLULOPE 07BE05515

Anonymous said...

I would define globalization as the development of socio-economic standard of the nations of the world 2 transcend from individualism to communism with the aim of breeding unity and equity.
i support dolamu in a part of his definition, but must just say that it must not always be the use of English as a universal some of the developed world, we still see that they still make use of their mother tongue, even at the u.n level when world summits are called there is the use of devices for translation into the various languages.. globalization drives competition, not just an act to summit yourself to a superior power..
okunbor hashim 07be05533.

Anonymous said...

i do not agree with etidiakaba blessing saying that globalization in an economical sense is bridging the gap between the rich nations and the poor nations and imposing of the rich on the poor to make the world a one big place of economic wealth.
on my side,Yes there is imposition but to the poor as a disadvantage and to the rich theres an advantage.
instead, globalisation in the economic sense is using ICT to cut accross boarders of the world, in order to tap into their resources and participate in economic situaiton, to showcase superiority and make those nations puppets to their commands.
because of what the first world or western countries can get from the third world resources, they use globalisation as an excuse to dominate and dump their ideologies on the third world, hereby controlling them and taking what ever they want by reason of this control. OYEGBADE OLUFUNMILOLA 07BE05541

Elleadoria said...

I really want to disagree with Hashim...yOU cant say globalisation is a is not a development, it is a process of walls being broken down, boundaries being removed, barriers being overcome towards a one world community. I would also like to agree with Hashim on the note that globalisation drives competition...competition to earn a visible place on the globe. ADELEKE ADEDOLAPO 07BE05486

funlola su' said...

Globalization as a concept has many definitions but personally i think it is the process by which the world is shrinked into a global village in order to ensure interconnectedness between and among nations culturally, socially and economically. and i agree with suzhn about globalization bringing different culture and ecconomic system to onnect together and all but the problem here is that the effect of globalizaation is more on the negative side than on the positive side because it has caused cultural and media imperialism, wars and so on.

BOSS LADY! said...


Anonymous said...

Accordding to me, globalization is an attempt to make the world a global village, unifying the world. It quite alright involves equality in all these nations for it to be a success but at this point, i disagree with Funmi Oyegbade on the fact that it is a "conscious effort" for the first world countries to showcase superiority and make third world nations puppets in their hands. This, to a large extent, sounds like an 'excuse for failure' on the part of the third world countries.
Fine, we all know that there is inequality between the first and third world nations but the third world nations should make a conscious effort to improve their state of being because whether we like it or not globalization has come to stay!

Anonymous said...

In my own words i wil say globalization is a phenomenon that has taken over all aspect and event of the world ecoomically, socially, culturally and politically. there by making a subjugation of the local culture and imposing the alie culture. Iwill agree with what Maryjane said that globalization has remove the major boundaries that separate nations. OLORUNNIWO DAMILOLA 06BF03953

bimbo said...

Globalization is a relative word that can be used to describe change in the global system at large. It can be seen as the breaking down of barriers bringing together various cultures from around the world together to become one. It is introducing new technologies like the internet to make the world a better place and more or less what Marshal McLuhan called the global village. People don’t have to see physically before they interact with each other because the telephone, internet, e mail, Facebook, twitter and other social networks have made it possible for us to interact as a global village for example with the advent of video calls, voice mails, chatting one can actually see what another person is doing at the other side of the world without necessarily being there at that time.
Also with globalization computers, robots, machines that think and act like human beings have been invented. It has removed the barrier between countries thereby causing an increase in the level of foreign trade among nations. It is like we all are in the same room sending information, news, messages to each other thereby improving communication skills among diverse cultures of the world. Generally globalization has been said to increase economic development as in the case of China but it has also increased the standard of living of many individuals and has made everyone become global citizens of a global village.

mohrahyo said...

globalization is that process that helped in catalyzing barriers that once made the world a picture of houses with thick high fences. globalization has helped in breaking those walls and enhancing easy connectivity as well as mutual interaction between houses interchangeably irrespective of distance; thereby enhancing appreciation of different ways of life and actual adaptation of other cultures sometimes at the expense of our own. just like what boss lady stipulated, it's like a moving train, the west call the tickets shot we enter and travel along. now they world is posed as a global village according to bimbo's stance. true!!! indeed we now reside in a world of no restraint of information, i can now sit here, get information about the cities and towns even hotspots in Paris, get to know about the people and their culture even without physically being in paris. this, essentially is a connotative factor of GLOBALIZATION;but even with these advantages it;s still has its bad effects but essesntially all good to look at even when storms breed underneath all we see are the waves!!!

Unknown said...

I quite disagree with Anita, she said that globalization is like a moving train that’s alright, but its not only people who are willing to jump in while the train is moving will get in. I believe that globalization has swept up even the unwilling because they have to communicate, interact and communicate with other nations they can’t do that without being involved in globalization. It’s not a question of choice. I define globalization as that encompassing process {because it is continuous} that has encouraged and sped up interconnectedness among nations though this has brought about inevitable consequences like media and cultural imperialism especially in the third world nations. AGBANUSI NNEKA, 07BE05489

Anonymous said...

globalisation from the Christian angle is the process of the third world countries imbibing the tradition and religion of the first world countries and doing what is biblically wrong because the first world countries think its right. for example circular music that its content are rawly from the church of Satan. gay right also.
globalisation is also where the third world countries are being copycats in order to gain power and a voice in the affairs of the world. OYEGBADE OLUFUNMILOLA 07BE05541

bimbo said...

Globalization is a relative word that can be used to describe change in the global system at large. It can be seen as the breaking down of barriers bringing together various cultures from around the world together to become one. It is introducing new technologies like the internet to make the world a better place and more or less what Marshal McLuhan called the global village. People don’t have to see physically before they interact with each other because the telephone, internet, e mail, Facebook, twitter and other social networks have made it possible for us to interact as a global village for example with the advent of video calls, voice mails, chatting one can actually see what another person is doing at the other side of the world without necessarily being there at that time.
Also with globalization computers, robots, machines that think and act like human beings have been invented. It has removed the barrier between countries thereby causing an increase in the level of foreign trade among nations. It is like we all are in the same room sending information, news, messages to each other thereby improving communication skills among diverse cultures of the world. Generally globalization has been said to increase economic development as in the case of China but it has also increased the standard of living of many individuals and has made everyone become global citizens of a global village. I would disagree with BOSS LADY who says globalization is a moving train and one has the choice to jump on it, in the case of the third world we are not even at the spot for getting on board talk less of jumping on the train, the train isn’t even thinking of carrying us on board so way do we need to rush thinks we should develop ourselves first before thinking of the train and BANKE SUNNOLA says it is more of the negative than positive I think we should regard the positive first because even before the issue of globalization cultural and media imperialism existed so that shouldn’t be the lame excuse we should be giving.


Globalization can be defined from a cultural context as an issue that has caused by the shrinkage of the cultural values of the third world by the first world.

In present times, most of the cultural values of the 3rd world has been lost as a result of the members of the 3rd world trying to fall in place in the context of the western world. our culture of kneeling to greet our parents, making our natural hair (didi and the likes) and many more have being lost, thanks to weave-on and hand shake all adopted from the western world.

I really dont agree with Onyeka's definition of a globalization. she said it coming together of both the economic buoyant nations and the non buoyant nations to create a unified global village where there are less economic power display and authority. looking at this definition and the world today, there is no unity or unified economic system between the buoyant and non buoyant nations and there is still display of authority and power economically by these so called buoyant nations.


Globalization can be defined from a cultural context as an issue that has caused by the shrinkage of the cultural values of the third world by the first world.

In present times, most of the cultural values of the 3rd world has been lost as a result of the members of the 3rd world trying to fall in place in the context of the western world. our culture of kneeling to greet our parents, making our natural hair (didi and the likes) and many more have being lost, thanks to weave-on and hand shake all adopted from the western world.

I really dont agree with Onyeka's definition of a globalization. she said it coming together of both the economic buoyant nations and the non buoyant nations to create a unified global village where there are less economic power display and authority. looking at this definition and the world today, there is no unity or unified economic system between the buoyant and non buoyant nations and there is still display of authority and power economically by these so called buoyant nations.


I agree with Mora, however, it is necessary to point out that just like on a train, some people travel first class and some third class. Just like in the days where the third world slaves were transported under the basement of ships years ago, and some thrown out when the winds were boisterous, and the ship almost capsized, so it is today.
This brings me to my own definition of globalization. Globalization is the world becoming one. It is the shrinking of or total disappearance of borders to create newer cultural, social, economic, political and class structures, with newer advantages and disadvantages, some of which are hinged on already existing issues, newer prolyteriats and burgeosie, and every effect that comes with lions and rats living in the same jungle.
Arenyeka, Laju

Anonymous said...

globalization is the improvement in our way of life which as brought the world to modernity,globalisation is an asset which has brought possibilities to our everyday activities. globalisation has left the world with its positive and negative effect.globalisation is to bring the world as one to be a global village without any differences.globalization has caused the destruction of cultural identity.globalisation has helped in advanced technologies and communication but have left the world with its negative impact as well that is to say globalisation did not come alone to give way but also to cause damages.globalisation have brought a global change in the world as a whole.07BE05540 ORIBHABOR

GUYDAMAK said...

I feel when it comes to the Nigerian economy, globalization denotes a process of removing officially imposed constraints
on movements of resources between countries in order to form an ‘open’ and
‘borderless’ world economy and culturally it has been associated with the destruction of cultural identities, victims of the accelarating encroachment of a homogenized, westernized, consumer culture. Nigeria is slowly losing the economy and her culture to globalization, yes we had to embrace it but the harm its causing is grater than the fringe benefits though i agree with morayos view on globation, but its not a thing to embrace totally, thank....GARY 'ACE' 07BE05509

Anonymous said...

Globalization is a relative term but in my own words, i would describe it as the umbrella that covers the practices and processes which has jointly led to the world becoming single entity i.e the global village, as well as a simple concept which has gradually torn a host of cultures apart. globalization is im my opinion is a simple yet complicated issue. it will take you along if you conform and not hesitate to drop you offf if you cannot meet the requirements.

According to Onyeka,Globalization is the coming together of both the economic buoyant nations and the non buoyant nations to create a unified global village where there are less economic power display and authority.
if this is the case then we need not have the classification of nations according to their wealth placements and from what i see there is even a more flambuoyant display of these economic and social powers. if not every country should be represented and not the case we have of the G8 practicaly calling the shots.

globalization is a lovely idea but every drug has its side effect.

Anonymous said...

Globalization, i believe is the bringing together of different countries not just under the umbrella of ICT but also under the umbrella of deceit and culture/media imperialism. this is done with so much subtlety that the countries not involved in this BRINGING TOGETHER have no idea what is going on . they only see the ICT umbrella and not the umbrella of deceit. i agree with Susan when she said that globalization has caused wars and terrorism. let us take a look at the Rwandan genocide. the so called people who are walking towards the coming together of countries were the same people who came to Rwanda and during the war, they left with only their people when they could have as well taken the other Rwandans. from research, there were thousands of hundreds in hotel Mencholin that they could have helped but they only came to take their own people. is that not selfish enough? now this same set of people are asking to bring countries together. so far so good we know that when they want to achieve something for themselves, they wrap it in a sheep's clothing. i am afraid that globalization just like the anti christ has it own evil and it is far greater than its promises or good(ICT). you cant have lions(1st world countries) and antelopes(3rd world countries) living as a global village. the lions will definitely have a wonderful time at the expense of the lives of the antelopes
Adubi Tope, 07BE05487


in my own opinion, globalization can be seen as the phenomenon that has brought about oneness of the world thereby removing any boundary either culturally, economically or socially that once existed and acted as a hindrance to the co-dependence of nations in the world thereby making the world like a village where there is sharing of ideas, cultures and promotion and advancement of technological powers across and amongst countries.
i agree with folu seton who in her own view sees globalization as the umbrella that covers the practices and processes which has jointly led to the world becoming single entity i.e the global village, as well as a simple concept which has gradually torn a host of cultures apart. globalization is im my opinion is a simple yet complicated issue. it will take you along if you conform and not hesitate to drop you offf if you cannot meet the requirements.
globalization can only be said to occur with the participation of all the countries in the world whether they are at the receiving end or not. the fact that some countries act as the major producers and others as consumers does not stop it from being globalization. globalization can't involve only one participant country and because it involves all countries which have unequal distribution of resources there would definitely be disparity in the way countries operate. CHUKS-EBOKA AMARA 07CK06330S

jacques said...

globalization can be defined as the breaking of borders of countries due to the strategic, economic, political, cultural domination of some countries over others. historically globalization can be traced back to the days of Alexander the great when he tried over a long period of time to unite what he perceived as the whole world.
Yes, globalization does involve all the practices and processes that facilitates the interaction of the information rich and information poor nations of the world. this is because for the globalization/global village concept to come into fusion, it needs interaction between "developed" and "developing" nations so that they can unite and be on the same information level. but the opposite is the case as the information rich nations use their information to exploit and dominate the information poor nations.jacobs babafemi 06be03908

Ruth Atinuke said...

Globalization to me is the demarcation that exists due to advancement in the knowledge base and technology in a part of the world that makes it separate from the advantaged part. Ruth Mojeed 07BE05519

Anonymous said...

Globalization is a concept that has become a popular discourse among scholars in the last two decades. It has been an issue of contemporary political and academic debates. Many theorist of globalization have defined the phenomenon is different ways but in my own definition, globalization is a concept that entails the breaking down of boundaries though technological advancement and development/improvement of communication technologies, thereby enabling a mix/integration and interrelation of cultures, and economies. It comes with its many cons and pros.
I saw it funny but I believe graphic definition of globalization somewhere. It is Diana a princess of England (Wales) and an Egyptian, riding in a German car made in Dutch republic driven by a Belgium driver drunk on Italtian scotch , crashed in a French road tunnel. The definition was from a Chinese man.
Funmi Akinyemi 07BE05493.

Anonymous said...

Globalization is the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. Globalization refers to the integration of economics and societies all over the world. Globalization involves technological, economic, political, and cultural exchanges made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation, and infrastructure.

Omoraro George ..

Anonymous said...

Globalization is a term that is frequently used but hardly ever defined. It refers to the rapid increase in the share of economic activity taking place across national boundaries. This goes beyond the international trade in goods and includes the way those goods are produced, the delivery and sale of services, and the movement of capital.

It can be therefore be thought of as a process, in which economic markets, technologies, and communications gradually can to exhibit more "global" characteristics, and less "national" or "local" ones.

Alokolaro Adeola

Anonymous said...

Globalization refers to a process that has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.It allows poor countries and their citizens to develop economically.

Anonymous said...

Glbaliation is the growing dominance of western (or even American) forms of political, economic, and cultural life , the proliferation of new information technologies , as well as the notion that humanity stands at the threshold of realizing one single unified community in which major sources of social conflict have vanished.i totally agree with moyin.
Amina Bello 07BE05502

YETUNDE said...

""Like everything else in the world it has its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages have been enjoyed by the West and its disadvantages mainly suffered by the 3rd World nations.It has led to the spread of ideas, acculturation and even cultural imperialism.Through globalization most boundaries have been alterred by the new Global village syndrome" i fully agree with Karo Omu on this. Its advantages have been enjoyed more by the west, leaving the remains for the third world country. But in my own vie, i would personify Globalization as a virus, that has eaten deep into the cultures and lives of people and this virus also makees them forget their own culture and they can never be healed, as we all know, viruses cannot die, they keep spreading,and this applies mainly to the lives of Africans, mainly Nigerians. so i will call globalization a Virus, permit me to say. ...... APAPA YETUNDE 07BE05496

Anonymous said...


Bamgboye moyinoluwa said...

from an economic perspective, globalisation is that process that has helped business and organisations to work on a global scale without any problems. globalisation has removed all existing borders that ever existed. bamgboye Moyinoluwa, 07be05501

Anonymous said...

globalization, i believe is communication across borders, where there are no barrier in trading activities, cultural influences e.t.c. globalization has made the world one global village. i want to counter glory who said that globalization gives us no choice, after all life is all about choice, you either choose to do something or choose not to, so you choose whether to allow the negative influences of globalization affect you or not. Ezegwo ifeoma , 07BE05508.

Anonymous said...

from the cultural perspective, to me globalization is the modernization and redefinition of a peoples way of life. by this i mean globalization is an ongoing process which is still taking shape, using the third world for example we try to imbibe the western technology as our way of life because it s convenient for us. globalization cuts across borders and brings the people under one global umbrella.
Ogbuefi Tracy. 06bf03950

Lawal Cynthia Tolu said...

Globalization is not new, though. For thousands of years, people—and, later, corporations—have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. This current wave of globalization has been driven by policies that have opened economies domestically and internationally. In the years since the Second World War, and especially during the past two decades, many governments have adopted free-market economic systems, vastly increasing their own productive potential and creating myriad new opportunities for international trade and investment. Governments also have negotiated dramatic reductions in barriers to commerce and have established international agreements to promote trade in goods, services, and investment. Taking advantage of new opportunities in foreign markets, corporations have built foreign factories and established production and marketing arrangements with foreign partners. A defining feature of globalization, therefore, is an international industrial and financial business structure.
Some go ahead to claim that globalization is the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people. Resistance to globalization has therefore taken shape both at a popular and at a governmental level as people and governments try to manage the flow of capital, labor, goods, and ideas that constitute the current wave of globalization. LAWAL CYNTHIA TOLU. 07BE05517


globalization refers to the trend toward countries joining together economically, through education, society and politics, and viewing themselves not only through their national identity but also as part of the world as a whole. Globalization is said to bring people of all nations closer together, especially through a common medium like the economy or the Internet.
In our world, there are few places a person can’t get to within a day of travel, and few people a person can’t reach via telephone or Internet. Because of modern modes of travel and communication, citizens of a nation are more conscious of the world at large and may be influenced by other cultures in a variety of ways. Time and space matter less, and even language barriers are being overcome as people all over the world communicate through trade, social Internet forums, various media sources, and a variety of other ways. In all it is a moving train that we all have to travel in. OGUNKUA FOLUWAKEMI. 07BE05527

okafor chidinma said...

globalisation is the final conquest of capital over the rest of the world and that its "antecedents" and "uneven thesis" are explainable within the one-arm banditry and ethos of capitalism. Furthermore, it was argued that this will continue to be so, irrespective of its aim at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio-economic theory across the globe and its purported benefits to mankind. Globalisation refers to the process of the intensification of economic, political, social and cultural relations across international boundaries. It is principally aimed at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio-economic theory across the globe. It is equally aimed at “making global being present worldwide at the world stage or global arena” Okafor Chidinma 07BE05530

blessing chinweuba said...

my friend and coursemate sees globalization as having more cons than pros.. l beg to differ because l see globalization as the strive to achieve a one world community based mainly on technological advancements- take the emergence of GSM phones for better and easier communication between persons in different parts of the world and also, the use of internet services for easier and faster access to research materials and for other diverse uses.. These things are simply for ease of interaction and communication.
Blessing Chinweuba- 07BE05503.