From the constructivist perspective, we are not yet in a global village rather the world is currently and persistently constructing a global village by making absolutely new orders and also remaking i.e modifying old orders.
Globalization in my own words can be seen as an ongoing process of integrating technology, economy, politics, communication and various cultural exchanges of the world without hindrance or any barrier whatsoever. I can also say it is a process by which the experience of the everyday man is marked by the concentration of commodities and ideas from all over the world and not just from a particular part which will become a standard all around the world.
Globalization to me in one word is togetherness, integration or combination. therefore it is the practice by which local societies and cultures become united through a universal system of political designs through communication, transportation, and occupation. However, globalization is usually the combination of so many factors like economic, technological, cultural and political factors. i also feel the term can also refer to the international flow of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation.
08BE07302 From my own perspective, globalization is when all the nations of the world have something in common , and respect one anothers values and differences. When the countries of the world see themselves as one. when.It can also be seen as the desire to increase one's standard of living and enjoy foreign products and ideas, adopt new technology and practices.
Presently, we are still yet to achieve globalization it's still an on-going process.
08BE07351 Globalization in my own words: I would like to describe Globalization as turning the world into a miniature place, a smaller model of the world where there are no barriers or boundaries. It is the process of integration of everything in the world ranging from culture, food, transportation, communication to technology, economy, politics by taking in to consideration the different aspects of the way of life of various people and nationalities.
Justina 08be07322.. to me globalization is when there is a full integration of all to form one. it means that there should be a sense of togetherness amongst all the different and numerous culture. here all things would be considered important and also there must be a democratic head. the government must be from the people for the people and of the people
i'll simply say that globalization is a gradual process that involves the integraton or amalgamation of different regions of the world, basically to enhance connectivity, interdependence of nations, communication, with the aid of evolving mordern technologies. a global village is one in which there are no barriers to anything, communication is express, members wear similar cloths, food, e.t.c. just to add, what we are seeing today in the world is not globalization, rather it is the west, using subtle power to force their own values and ways of life into us. members of a global villages have to contribute to the success of the village, anything contrary to this is not a global village. third world countries will have to work 10 tomes harder for globalization to be achieved. Viator Victoria (08BE07356)
Global village? No we are not in a global village. In a global village, all nations are meant to see the world as one, consider themselves as the same and have a common perception of the world but what the we have? We see the North classified as developed countries and the South as underdeveloped or developing countries. The North, by plundering the resources of the South made itself extremely rich and in the process impoverished the south and looks down on the South as underdeveloped nation. There’s also no free access to information. Only few nations in the south are exposed to internet but majority have limited access to the internet. A global village is meant to be seen as one community. A global village can be linked together by electronic media and information technology. 08BE07336
According to Encarta, a global village is defined as the whole world considered as a single community served by electronic media and information technology.Also, integration means the process of opening a group, community, place, or organization to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or social class. From an integrationist perspective, i believe globalization involves the process of bringing different views, opinions, norms, religion of different nations together to become united under one belief.For example, cultures of different places in different nations can be revealed in the media industry that is accessible to the world..e.g, Inside Africa on CNN...when disparate or unequal ideas from different places are brought together and is agreed upon by the world is the period in which a successful global village has been created.But none of these have started influencing other nations, not to talk of the whole world,therefore, globalization has not been achieved...and to achieve a global village, all nations have to be on the same level of development....since that has not been possible yet, i'm afraid we can't have a global village.
According to Aremu (2004:3) as quoted in Ekeanyanwu (2008:220), globalization is an increase in integration between and within countries manifested through an increase in the movement of commodities, labor, capital (financial and physical), and technology. I agree with this definition. To me, globalization is the tearing down of traditional walls of time, space and distance and replacing them with bridges across the nations of the world.
Marshall MacLuhan was the first to talk about a “global village.” The crux of the idea of this village is that interconnectedness between the “villagers.” In a village, information about what happens in one place quite easily spreads to other parts and is relevant to most. Therefore people have no complete privacy at any point in time.
Being in a global village is more of an “individual thing” than a “world thing.” It is possible for some individuals to be in this village while others are not. For example, Bishop David Oyedepo is definitely operating in this global village even though most of the people in his village, Omu Aran, may not be. He is involved and partakes of resources at the global level (for example, many of his books are printed in Germany). Considering this, I think we are already in a global village because what happens in Afghanistan, US, Japan, Dubai and so on one way or the other affects us as students in Nigeria. There is an intricate though complex interconnectedness between us all. We may not take sides in their local and international conflicts; however, their policies may affect our operations. In fact, the least that is expected of us is to know what is happening there.
Furthermore, I disagree with all who use imbalance as the criteria for measuring whether or not we are in a global village. You cannot use inequality because there is no equality anywhere! Even in developed societies, some persons always have more access to information and more sophisticated technologies than others. Also, in a typical village, the leaders usually have better accommodation, food and access to technology and information than the masses. In this global village, we can say that the western world is the leader, the rest are followers at different levels. Since the world is much larger than a typical village, why shouldn’t the existing inequalities be at a much higher dimension? 08BE07289
To my understanding Globalization means an agent of change that brings about the integration of regional economies societies and cultures through networking of various ideas that comes from reasoning through communication. it is also the steps of increasing connectivity of the world marketing etc.
first of all, i will start by giving the definition of Microsoft Encarta Reference Library(2005) cited in Ekeanyanwu(2008) as, the result of dvances in communication, transportation and infromation technologies. i would say that we are not yet in a global village but we are at least geting there. according to the definition i gave above, there has been anadvance in the way we lived comparing it to now. we can meet anyone we want to meet without seeing them physically, but we can get to ytheme through davanced technology. years back we could not boast of doing buisness in just a click away but now it is a reality. another example would be given that we could not also boast of an e-class but here we are having a class without even seeing the colour of cloth our lecturer is putting on. i would say there have been some sought of globalization, but the fact remains that we are not there because of imbalance.
En route to Globalization... Globalization i think is the emergence of one shared culture and one society. The way the world is going i feel we are headed towards a virtual global society. The question here in lies as to whose culture the world would take on, right now we are leaning more to that of the western world due to their technological advantages...what we do want however is not a dominating culture but one in which every culture is adequately represented.
08BE07309 I take my stand from the Universalists perspective on globalization. First of all from another’s point of view, what is globalization? According to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, globalization is described as the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become unifies through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade. The Universalists believe that there has to be trans-relationships; across border relationships; same problems being shared across the globe and same solutions being proffered. … “today we read and hear about the global nature or character of many things ” (Ekeanyanwu, 2008). There is a global economic restructuring (for example when America started experiencing economic meltdown it affected the rest o f the world); global environmental problems (global warming, ozone depletion); global population growth (the increase in the population of china, affecting the population of the rest of the world) and the list goes on and on. The establishment of the United Nations and its sub units is proof that in the near future the world will achieve that unified status as a global village. Although we are not yet in a global village in all these sectors (economies, societies, and cultures unified through- communication, transportation, and trade) that are key components for the world to be called a global village; there have been, there are and there will be steps taken daily to ensure that the world soon becomes one single unit.
to me globalization is turning the world into a small digital village where information about anything can be derived. i feel the world is turning into a global village little by little because we get to know what is happening in other countries. buzugbe nkem 08be07315
08be07339 I would like to say that a village is characterized by togetherness and when one thing happens to a person, it affects the other person. I would therefore say that we are not yet in a global village because the world is not yet one and i don't even think it will ever be one. In a situation whereby a citizen of Nigeria does not know what is happening to someone else in another country, it can be said that there is nothing like oneness there. Also, if nations continue to see themselves as being separate and not one, then there can never be a global village.
well opinion on globalization, from a thrid party point of view, we are gradualy becoming a global village, for the aspect of one language we are making progress, for the issue of equality it is not possible in a real life village is every one in the village on the same level no, even the bible says the poor shall not cease in the land, but i hope Nigeria improves and gets better, globalization, is upose to bring all countries together, maybe the issue of qualitative imbalace might gradually disappear, countries, will really know what iothers really are not relying on BBC and the rest for half baked news like they give, i think it is a good idea, and should be embraced.
I see globalization as the emergence of the whole world into a small hole via communication, transportation and trade, this is achieved via communication technologies such as internet, this has enabled the whole world seem like a smaller sphere where ideas, cultures and concepts are exchanged.Through mordern transportation, we are able to migrate from one place to the other this helps to share language, culture and tradition. This term has been actualised in our world today to an extent owing to the fact that modern communication, transportation and trade has been achieved by most countries in our world today. To my understanding, globalisation has not yet reached its peak but with continuous development of third world countries, the term GLOBALIZATION, will then be fully actualised.
Emmabeth, 08be07320 in my own perspective, i see globalization as the shrinkage of the whole world into what Marsha n McLuhan called a village. where the events and happenings in one country will affect the other. i strongly adhere to the constructivist as we are not there yet. we are getting there gradually anyways.. i mean with the advent of telecommunication, internet and satellite one could virtually participate in happenings around and be even more knowledgeable than the actual citizens. what the third world need is time to develop properly and meet up..
08BE07337- Globalization according to Wikipedia describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade.
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
Globalization is not new, though. For thousands of years, people and, later, corporations have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914.
But policy and technological developments of the past few decades have spurred increases in cross-border trade, investment, and migration so large that many observers believe the world has entered a qualitatively new phase in its economic development. Since 1950, for example, the volume of world trade has increased by 20 times, and from just 1997 to 1999 flows of foreign investment nearly doubled, from $468 billion to $827 billion. Distinguishing this current wave of globalization from earlier ones, author Thomas Friedman has said that today globalization is “farther, faster, cheaper, and deeper.”
Globalization is deeply controversial, however. Proponents of globalization argue that it allows poor countries and their citizens to develop economically and raise their standards of living, while opponents of globalization claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people. Resistance to globalization has therefore taken shape both at a popular and at a governmental level as people and governments try to manage the flow of capital, labor, goods, and ideas that constitute the current wave of globalization.
To find the right balance between benefits and costs associated with globalization, citizens of all nations need to understand how globalization works and the policy choices facing them and their societies. This is in agreement with Ajuma when she made mention that,"Being in a global village is more of an “individual thing” than a “world thing.”
Deola 08BE07310; In simplest terms, globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. I want to break down the above definition as this will enable us to effectively pick a stand if we are in a global village or not. The process of interaction is the process of communicating. People, organizations etc communicate through social networks through the use of news feeds, chats as well as advertisements. Many of us other things online and get them even without stepping out of the boundaries of the country...that is the easiest form of international trade. One might ask what of investments? Many people who are into the FOREX business are based in the own country but they still work and FOREX is a form of investment. Information technology comes into play because all these examples that have being given above deal with people from all over the world communicating as though they were close to each other. This is where the use of internet comes into play. No matter the softwares that would make all sorts of communication take place, if there is no internet connection, it is as good as not. We can comfortably give instances that will make us say we are in a global village but we can’t over look the fact that some people in different countries do not have access to this form of technology. That is why i want to say at this point that because some people in the world don’t have clothes does not mean there are no clothes in the world. My point: because some people have not developed to the point of being among the global village does not mean the world is not a global village.
i agree with you ma, we aint there yet. we are still gathering momentum,and at times, i am left to wonder if we will ever achieve this feat considering the height of imbalance in the world today. if developed nations keep looking down on developing nations, their pride will not let them learn from such nations, no unity, no globalization!!!!
AKINNAWO TAIWO O. 08BE07303 Globalization from my ideological perspective is the shrinking of the world sphere into one unit by the use of information technology. Looking at the whole aim of globalization, it is to create a uniform society, a single economic system. Further looking at question of if the world is a global village,I would say it is not. Though we all claim we are trying to achieve it: looking at the issue from a realist point of view....The Global Village Ideology is an idea, that can only go as far as the preliminary stage...The world eventually being one community/village looking at the features is a near impossibility.
My dear colleagues have rightly defined globalization and so in order not to overflog this definition, I would go with one simple yet explicit line: 'Globalization is the integration of governments, societies, cultures and etcetera via communication, transportation and trade'. Well, based on this common definition, it is clear that we already live in a global community. Transportation is going blue, communication has become extremely seamless and trade has gone wireless. However, I do see that there is a deeper definition to 'Globalization'. Since globalization is driven by a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural, political and biological factors; for globalization to be fully achieved, there must be a balance between these factors and amongst countries of the world. This balance is yet to be achieved and so good could be the view that we are yet to ultimately reach gobalization.
Alogba Rafiat 08be07308 Globalization is not new but in my own words Globalization is a combination of economic, political, cultural, environment system across the globe. Looking at the question if the world is a global village, I would say no they are not because when we are talking about global village people come together, they relate they become one but it is not happening now because of the way the North look at the south. We see the North classified as developed while south classified as underdeveloped and we cannot call that a global village. We are not a global village yet.
Globalization is the integration of economic, social,cultural and media systems and the compressing of these to form a more connected world through ICT and trade. However, we have no global village yet because of the wide communication gap between the north and the south, i.e. developed and developing nations. In time,and with proper ICT and infrastructural development, there will be a global village.
08BE07325 IZUAKOR Globalization to me is the advent in life where by issues and developments are commonly viewed from the same perspective all over the world. This way of life brought about by increasing development in ICT by thinning the barriers and borders that act as a restriction to interrelation. From my above definition of globalization it is obvious globalization is a new culture. To answer the question “are we in a global village?” I also go with the constructive perceptive, that we are still building towards a global village.
in my own perspective,globalisation is the final conquest of capital over the rest of the world and that its "antecedents" and "uneven thesis" are explainable within the one-arm banditry and ethos of capitalism. Furthermore, it was argued that this will continue to be so, irrespective of its aim at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio-economic theory across the globe and its purported benefits to mankind. Globalisation refers to the process of the intensification of economic, political, social and cultural relations across international boundaries. It is principally aimed at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio-economic theory across the globe. It is equally aimed at “making global being present worldwide at the world stage or global arena”
Adeleke Ayooluwa (08be07290) globalization i will say is the emergence of a one world system where everyone operate a common economic, political and socio-cultural cum religious principle. to answer the question of being in a global village i will say it is not on ground now bu what we hope to see therefore i go with the constructive perceptive.
i think i will take the same stand with you, first globalization is just a term, a utopia one if you must ask me. we,ourselves discussed what should be the characteristic of a village in class and out of everything listed not even one is seen to be applicable in a global village. in christ name, how can we talk about a global village when our culture are as different and far apart as the sun to the moon? how can we even say there is a global village when almost all the African counteries are still information blind while the west is busy slanting stories to their advantage? i stand on the ground that global village would only thrive on ICT, meaning standard and advance information and communication technology. which is one major aspect that is still a facade in most Africa and third world nations. however, i stand to say if at all there is something that looks like a global village, its a gradual construction into what looks like it.
08BE07333 I feel Globalisation refers to one world i.e... no countires....just one world, there could be states and all with governors, but there is only one head of state...there is a Lingua Franca. In my perspective the world as we knoww it may never be a global village but it could get very close at the rate we are going. The result of the technoligical development and all in my perspective will only end up creating a borderless world but not '1 world'.
Globalization has been used to express the idea that people throughout the world are interconnected through the use of new media technologies.
Today, the Web is often seen as the medium that most closely joins people throughout the globe, allowing anyone with an Internet connection to know what is going on around the world and to communicate with individuals and groups of people in far away places.
I believe that we are not yet in a global village, but there are advancement that makes it look as if we will soon get there. technology is a major role in all our lives. where would we be without our laptops, televisions and mobile phones? they are so easy to use and allow us to communicate with each other with ease. Turn the tv on and u can find out whats going on in the world in an instant.
But still, there are people and societies out there, in our world that do not have the same access to the internet , i would say that we live in a partial global village. People in the parts of the world that do not have opportunity to engage and participate in the global network are not counted as an equal part of the "village" and therefore the village is not entirely "global".
so i question the state do we live in a global vilage becuase its not global not every one has the advantages of technology that we have and sometimes i think people in the country forget that!
globalization is the transfer of media messages, language, ideologies, concepts freely without any restriction or hindrance/censorship whatsoever amongst countries. a global village is one where the world as a whole though in separate countries are united as a whole where there would be mutual respect for the individual next to him, hence there are unifying factors that bind the people as one. my take on this is we aren't yet in a global village though some elements of globalization are inherent in some or most countries in the world but still in this globalization, some issues still persist as countries aren't treated the same, such issues include freedom, access, control, balance amongst others and this is because countries of the world are in different levels of development:the developed and developing world.
Globalization in my own perspective is the coming together of the entire world to from a big but small market where any product, service or information from any part of the world can be gotten in any part of the world with much ease and it will be very fast. Right now the concept is just developing and it is still under construction. this is because of the third world countries. These countries are the ones making the much more developed world wait for them. If the third world countries are very much developed like the west, the age of globalization would have kicked off fully. Another thing I feel or think is that the concept of Globalization is from the west. And since the western world are world leaders and world powers the concept is practically being embraced by every other country. Globalization may also be one of the causes of our news flow controversies. OSOTA OLUWABUKUNMI DAVID 08BE07348
i have to take my stand from the constructivist perspective as well. The world is not YET a global village. However, efforts are being made every second to take us a step closer to that globalized era that has been foreseen. that era where the borders of nations are virtually blurred together due to the relationships that will be established among those nations. Until there is widespread technology coupled with the liberty to share and receive informaion, we may never have a globalized world but as we can all see, hindrances to freedom of information are drastically removing and technology is becoming widespread, we are sure to see a globalized world in no time
Globalization in my own perspective has to do with the growth of the communicative, economic, or technological process, on a global and worldwide scale. Globalization is d opening up of borders(physical and political) to enhance the exchange of ideas, trade, information and cultures. This means therefore, that globalization will be attained when there are no boundaries between economies, and nations. No developing and developed or under-developed nations looking to better their own economic status without regard for others. We will move together, one world, one language, one ideology, one globe.
08be07300- we are still emerging and not yet in a glibalized world. According to Encarta, a global village is defined as the whole world considered as a single community served by electronic media and information technology.Also, integration means the process of opening a group, community, place, or organization to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or social class. there are still restrictions and barriers to sharing of technology and others, so we are not there yet. according to MC Luhan, globalization means the world is like a small village. therefore, a village has no barriers, characterised by being your brother's keeper, sharing all resources, oneness but the 'globalized' world of today has none of this afore mentioned characteristics. globalization is cahractrerised by imbalances, cultural and media imperialism taht is, domination by some certain groups known as the world powers. therefore,i agree with you that we are not yet globalized.
Globalisation to me has a lot to do with the New communication age(information society) that we discussed in class-this led to the advent of Globalisation. Globalisation means there are no boundaries of any kind. People from different geographical locations and races and so on could be neighbours.It makes persons aware of the happenings around them. So,Yes for for a fact, Globalisation exists but developing countries such as Nigeria are not involved in this and even if we are, our contribution is very little. Globalisation has not reached every part of the world, so it is still a very small village as we speak. You cannot expect poor man in Nigeria to sit down in his house and watch television or surf the Internet on empty stomach do u? of course not!!! He doesn't have time for all that and even if he does he does, he doesn't have the means- that is he does not have access to the technology.
The issue of globalsation very much has to do with information socities and the New Communication Age. Globalisation I feel is a good development but also has ite bad effects on the economies of countries all over the world.
THE debate about globalisation is largely a dialogue of the deaf. On one side, ivory-tower economists tout the benefits of increased trade and cross-border investment, while ignoring (or at least downplaying) the costs. On the other, the critics of freer trade and open capital markets refuse to acknowledge the gains from closer integration, often displaying at best an elementary grasp of economics.
Globalization in my own words can be seen as an ongoing process of integrating technology, economy, politics, communication and various cultural exchanges of the world without hindrance or any barrier whatsoever. I can also say it is a process by which the experience of the everyday man is marked by the concentration of commodities and ideas from all over the world and not just from a particular part which will become a standard all around the world.
Globalization to me in one word is togetherness, integration or combination. therefore it is the practice by which local societies and cultures become united through a universal system of political designs through communication, transportation, and occupation. However, globalization is usually the combination of so many factors like economic, technological, cultural and political factors. i also feel the term can also refer to the international flow of ideas, languages, or popular culture through acculturation.
From my own perspective, globalization is when all the nations of the world have something in common , and respect one anothers values and differences. When the countries of the world see themselves as one. when.It can also be seen as the desire to increase one's standard of living and enjoy foreign products and ideas, adopt new technology and practices.
Presently, we are still yet to achieve globalization it's still an on-going process.
globalization is turning of the world's economy, culture,communication and trade into an indivisible unit,making the world a village clan.
this is a process that would gradually take a country one after the other which is determined by its global performance starting form its root.
Globalization in my own words:
I would like to describe Globalization as turning the world into a miniature place, a smaller model of the world where there are no barriers or boundaries. It is the process of integration of everything in the world ranging from culture, food, transportation, communication to technology, economy, politics by taking in to consideration the different aspects of the way of life of various people and nationalities.
Justina 08be07322.. to me globalization is when there is a full integration of all to form one. it means that there should be a sense of togetherness amongst all the different and numerous culture. here all things would be considered important and also there must be a democratic head. the government must be from the people for the people and of the people
i'll simply say that globalization is a gradual process that involves the integraton or amalgamation of different regions of the world, basically to enhance connectivity, interdependence of nations, communication, with the aid of evolving mordern technologies.
a global village is one in which there are no barriers to anything, communication is express, members wear similar cloths, food, e.t.c.
just to add, what we are seeing today in the world is not globalization, rather it is the west, using subtle power to force their own values and ways of life into us. members of a global villages have to contribute to the success of the village, anything contrary to this is not a global village. third world countries will have to work 10 tomes harder for globalization to be achieved.
Viator Victoria (08BE07356)
Global village? No we are not in a global village. In a global village, all nations are meant to see the world as one, consider themselves as the same and have a common perception of the world but what the we have? We see the North classified as developed countries and the South as underdeveloped or developing countries. The North, by plundering the resources of the South made itself extremely rich and in the process impoverished the south and looks down on the South as underdeveloped nation. There’s also no free access to information. Only few nations in the south are exposed to internet but majority have limited access to the internet. A global village is meant to be seen as one community. A global village can be linked together by electronic media and information technology. 08BE07336
According to Encarta, a global village is defined as the whole world considered as a single community served by electronic media and information technology.Also, integration means the process of opening a group, community, place, or organization to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or social class.
From an integrationist perspective, i believe globalization involves the process of bringing different views, opinions, norms, religion of different nations together to become united under one belief.For example, cultures of different places in different nations can be revealed in the media industry that is accessible to the world..e.g, Inside Africa on CNN...when disparate or unequal ideas from different places are brought together and is agreed upon by the world is the period in which a successful global village has been created.But none of these have started influencing other nations, not to talk of the whole world,therefore, globalization has not been achieved...and to achieve a global village, all nations have to be on the same level of development....since that has not been possible yet, i'm afraid we can't have a global village.
According to Aremu (2004:3) as quoted in Ekeanyanwu (2008:220), globalization is an increase in integration between and within countries manifested through an increase in the movement of commodities, labor, capital (financial and physical), and technology. I agree with this definition. To me, globalization is the tearing down of traditional walls of time, space and distance and replacing them with bridges across the nations of the world.
Marshall MacLuhan was the first to talk about a “global village.” The crux of the idea of this village is that interconnectedness between the “villagers.” In a village, information about what happens in one place quite easily spreads to other parts and is relevant to most. Therefore people have no complete privacy at any point in time.
Being in a global village is more of an “individual thing” than a “world thing.” It is possible for some individuals to be in this village while others are not. For example, Bishop David Oyedepo is definitely operating in this global village even though most of the people in his village, Omu Aran, may not be. He is involved and partakes of resources at the global level (for example, many of his books are printed in Germany). Considering this, I think we are already in a global village because what happens in Afghanistan, US, Japan, Dubai and so on one way or the other affects us as students in Nigeria. There is an intricate though complex interconnectedness between us all. We may not take sides in their local and international conflicts; however, their policies may affect our operations. In fact, the least that is expected of us is to know what is happening there.
Furthermore, I disagree with all who use imbalance as the criteria for measuring whether or not we are in a global village. You cannot use inequality because there is no equality anywhere! Even in developed societies, some persons always have more access to information and more sophisticated technologies than others. Also, in a typical village, the leaders usually have better accommodation, food and access to technology and information than the masses. In this global village, we can say that the western world is the leader, the rest are followers at different levels. Since the world is much larger than a typical village, why shouldn’t the existing inequalities be at a much higher dimension?
To my understanding Globalization means an agent of change that brings about the integration of regional economies societies and cultures through networking of various ideas that comes from reasoning through communication. it is also the steps of increasing connectivity of the world marketing etc.
first of all, i will start by giving the definition of Microsoft Encarta Reference Library(2005) cited in Ekeanyanwu(2008) as, the result of dvances in communication, transportation and infromation technologies. i would say that we are not yet in a global village but we are at least geting there. according to the definition i gave above, there has been anadvance in the way we lived comparing it to now. we can meet anyone we want to meet without seeing them physically, but we can get to ytheme through davanced technology. years back we could not boast of doing buisness in just a click away but now it is a reality. another example would be given that we could not also boast of an e-class but here we are having a class without even seeing the colour of cloth our lecturer is putting on. i would say there have been some sought of globalization, but the fact remains that we are not there because of imbalance.
En route to Globalization...
Globalization i think is the emergence of one shared culture and one society. The way the world is going i feel we are headed towards a virtual global society. The question here in lies as to whose culture the world would take on, right now we are leaning more to that of the western world due to their technological advantages...what we do want however is not a dominating culture but one in which every culture is adequately represented.
My thoughts on Globalization what's yours?
I take my stand from the Universalists perspective on globalization.
First of all from another’s point of view, what is globalization? According to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, globalization is described as the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become unifies through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade.
The Universalists believe that there has to be trans-relationships; across border relationships; same problems being shared across the globe and same solutions being proffered.
… “today we read and hear about the global nature or character of many things ” (Ekeanyanwu, 2008). There is a global economic restructuring (for example when America started experiencing economic meltdown it affected the rest o f the world); global environmental problems (global warming, ozone depletion); global population growth (the increase in the population of china, affecting the population of the rest of the world) and the list goes on and on.
The establishment of the United Nations and its sub units is proof that in the near future the world will achieve that unified status as a global village.
Although we are not yet in a global village in all these sectors (economies, societies, and cultures unified through- communication, transportation, and trade) that are key components for the world to be called a global village; there have been, there are and there will be steps taken daily to ensure that the world soon becomes one single unit.
to me globalization is turning the world into a small digital village where information about anything can be derived. i feel the world is turning into a global village little by little because we get to know what is happening in other countries. buzugbe nkem 08be07315
I would like to say that a village is characterized by togetherness and when one thing happens to a person, it affects the other person. I would therefore say that we are not yet in a global village because the world is not yet one and i don't even think it will ever be one. In a situation whereby a citizen of Nigeria does not know what is happening to someone else in another country, it can be said that there is nothing like oneness there. Also, if nations continue to see themselves as being separate and not one, then there can never be a global village.
well opinion on globalization, from a thrid party point of view, we are gradualy becoming a global village, for the aspect of one language we are making progress, for the issue of equality it is not possible in a real life village is every one in the village on the same level no, even the bible says the poor shall not cease in the land, but i hope Nigeria improves and gets better, globalization, is upose to bring all countries together, maybe the issue of qualitative imbalace might gradually disappear, countries, will really know what iothers really are not relying on BBC and the rest for half baked news like they give, i think it is a good idea, and should be embraced.
I see globalization as the emergence of the whole world into a small hole via communication, transportation and trade, this is achieved via communication technologies such as internet, this has enabled the whole world seem like a smaller sphere where ideas, cultures and concepts are exchanged.Through mordern transportation, we are able to migrate from one place to the other this helps to share language, culture and tradition. This term has been actualised in our world today to an extent owing to the fact that modern communication, transportation and trade has been achieved by most countries in our world today. To my understanding, globalisation has not yet reached its peak but with continuous development of third world countries, the term GLOBALIZATION, will then be fully actualised.
Emmabeth, 08be07320
in my own perspective, i see globalization as the shrinkage of the whole world into what Marsha n McLuhan called a village. where the events and happenings in one country will affect the other. i strongly adhere to the constructivist as we are not there yet. we are getting there gradually anyways.. i mean with the advent of telecommunication, internet and satellite one could virtually participate in happenings around and be even more knowledgeable than the actual citizens. what the third world need is time to develop properly and meet up..
08BE07337- Globalization according to Wikipedia describes the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation, and trade.
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
Globalization is not new, though. For thousands of years, people and, later, corporations have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914.
But policy and technological developments of the past few decades have spurred increases in cross-border trade, investment, and migration so large that many observers believe the world has entered a qualitatively new phase in its economic development. Since 1950, for example, the volume of world trade has increased by 20 times, and from just 1997 to 1999 flows of foreign investment nearly doubled, from $468 billion to $827 billion. Distinguishing this current wave of globalization from earlier ones, author Thomas Friedman has said that today globalization is “farther, faster, cheaper, and deeper.”
Globalization is deeply controversial, however. Proponents of globalization argue that it allows poor countries and their citizens to develop economically and raise their standards of living, while opponents of globalization claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people. Resistance to globalization has therefore taken shape both at a popular and at a governmental level as people and governments try to manage the flow of capital, labor, goods, and ideas that constitute the current wave of globalization.
To find the right balance between benefits and costs associated with globalization, citizens of all nations need to understand how globalization works and the policy choices facing them and their societies. This is in agreement with Ajuma when she made mention that,"Being in a global village is more of an “individual thing” than a “world thing.”
Deola 08BE07310;
In simplest terms, globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.
I want to break down the above definition as this will enable us to effectively pick a stand if we are in a global village or not. The process of interaction is the process of communicating. People, organizations etc communicate through social networks through the use of news feeds, chats as well as advertisements. Many of us other things online and get them even without stepping out of the boundaries of the country...that is the easiest form of international trade. One might ask what of investments? Many people who are into the FOREX business are based in the own country but they still work and FOREX is a form of investment. Information technology comes into play because all these examples that have being given above deal with people from all over the world communicating as though they were close to each other. This is where the use of internet comes into play. No matter the softwares that would make all sorts of communication take place, if there is no internet connection, it is as good as not.
We can comfortably give instances that will make us say we are in a global village but we can’t over look the fact that some people in different countries do not have access to this form of technology. That is why i want to say at this point that because some people in the world don’t have clothes does not mean there are no clothes in the world. My point: because some people have not developed to the point of being among the global village does not mean the world is not a global village.
i agree with you ma, we aint there yet. we are still gathering momentum,and at times, i am left to wonder if we will ever achieve this feat considering the height of imbalance in the world today. if developed nations keep looking down on developing nations, their pride will not let them learn from such nations, no unity, no globalization!!!!
Globalization is a highly charged political issue.
Globalization from my ideological perspective is the shrinking of the world sphere into one unit by the use of information technology.
Looking at the whole aim of globalization, it is to create a uniform society, a single economic system.
Further looking at question of if the world is a global village,I would say it is not. Though we all claim we are trying to achieve it: looking at the issue from a realist point of view....The Global Village Ideology is an idea, that can only go as far as the preliminary stage...The world eventually being one community/village looking at the features is a near impossibility.
My dear colleagues have rightly defined globalization and so in order not to overflog this definition, I would go with one simple yet explicit line: 'Globalization is the integration of governments, societies, cultures and etcetera via communication, transportation and trade'. Well, based on this common definition, it is clear that we already live in a global community. Transportation is going blue, communication has become extremely seamless and trade has gone wireless. However, I do see that there is a deeper definition to 'Globalization'. Since globalization is driven by a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural, political and biological factors; for globalization to be fully achieved, there must be a balance between these factors and amongst countries of the world. This balance is yet to be achieved and so good could be the view that we are yet to ultimately reach gobalization.
Alogba Rafiat 08be07308 Globalization is not new but in my own words Globalization is a combination of economic, political, cultural, environment system across the globe.
Looking at the question if the world is a global village, I would say no they are not because when we are talking about global village people come together, they relate they become one but it is not happening now because of the way the North look at the south. We see the North classified as developed while south classified as underdeveloped and we cannot call that a global village. We are not a global village yet.
Globalization is the integration of economic, social,cultural and media systems and the compressing of these to form a more connected world through ICT and trade. However, we have no global village yet because of the wide communication gap between the north and the south, i.e. developed and developing nations. In time,and with proper ICT and infrastructural development, there will be a global village.
Globalization to me is the advent in life where by issues and developments are commonly viewed from the same perspective all over the world. This way of life brought about by increasing development in ICT by thinning the barriers and borders that act as a restriction to interrelation.
From my above definition of globalization it is obvious globalization is a new culture. To answer the question “are we in a global village?” I also go with the constructive perceptive, that we are still building towards a global village.
in my own perspective,globalisation is the final conquest of capital over the rest of the world and that its "antecedents" and "uneven thesis" are explainable within the one-arm banditry and ethos of capitalism. Furthermore, it was argued that this will continue to be so, irrespective of its aim at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio-economic theory across the globe and its purported benefits to mankind. Globalisation refers to the process of the intensification of economic, political, social and cultural relations across international boundaries. It is principally aimed at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio-economic theory across the globe. It is equally aimed at “making global being present worldwide at the world stage or global arena”
Adeleke Ayooluwa (08be07290)
globalization i will say is the emergence of a one world system where everyone operate a common economic, political and socio-cultural cum religious principle.
to answer the question of being in a global village i will say it is not on ground now bu what we hope to see therefore i go with the constructive perceptive.
i think i will take the same stand with you, first globalization is just a term, a utopia one if you must ask me. we,ourselves discussed what should be the characteristic of a village in class and out of everything listed not even one is seen to be applicable in a global village. in christ name, how can we talk about a global village when our culture are as different and far apart as the sun to the moon? how can we even say there is a global village when almost all the African counteries are still information blind while the west is busy slanting stories to their advantage? i stand on the ground that global village would only thrive on ICT, meaning standard and advance information and communication technology. which is one major aspect that is still a facade in most Africa and third world nations.
however, i stand to say if at all there is something that looks like a global village, its a gradual construction into what looks like it.
I feel Globalisation refers to one world i.e... no countires....just one world, there could be states and all with governors, but there is only one head of state...there is a Lingua Franca.
In my perspective the world as we knoww it may never be a global village but it could get very close at the rate we are going. The result of the technoligical development and all in my perspective will only end up creating a borderless world but not '1 world'.
Globalization has been used to
express the idea that people throughout the world are interconnected through the use of new media technologies.
Today, the Web is often seen as the medium that most closely joins people throughout the globe, allowing anyone with an Internet connection to know what is going on around the world and to communicate with individuals and groups of people in far away places.
I believe that we are not yet in a global village, but there are advancement that makes it look as if we will soon get there. technology is a major role in all our lives. where would we be without our laptops, televisions and mobile phones? they are so easy to use and allow us to communicate with each other with ease. Turn the tv on and u can find out whats going on in the world in an instant.
But still, there are people and societies out there, in our world that do not have the same access to the internet , i would say that we live in a partial global village. People in the parts of the world that do not have opportunity to engage and participate in the global network are not counted as an equal part of the "village" and therefore the village is not entirely "global".
so i question the state do we live in a global vilage becuase its not global not every one has the advantages of technology that we have and sometimes i think people in the country forget that!
to me globalization is when different countries and economies come together through various means like communication,technology etc
globalization is the transfer of media messages, language, ideologies, concepts freely without any restriction or hindrance/censorship whatsoever amongst countries. a global village is one where the world as a whole though in separate countries are united as a whole where there would be mutual respect for the individual next to him, hence there are unifying factors that bind the people as one. my take on this is we aren't yet in a global village though some elements of globalization are inherent in some or most countries in the world but still in this globalization, some issues still persist as countries aren't treated the same, such issues include freedom, access, control, balance amongst others and this is because countries of the world are in different levels of development:the developed and developing world.
Globalization in my own perspective is the coming together of the entire world to from a big but small market where any product, service or information from any part of the world can be gotten in any part of the world with much ease and it will be very fast. Right now the concept is just developing and it is still under construction. this is because of the third world countries. These countries are the ones making the much more developed world wait for them. If the third world countries are very much developed like the west, the age of globalization would have kicked off fully. Another thing I feel or think is that the concept of Globalization is from the west. And since the western world are world leaders and world powers the concept is practically being embraced by every other country. Globalization may also be one of the causes of our news flow controversies. OSOTA OLUWABUKUNMI DAVID 08BE07348
i have to take my stand from the constructivist perspective as well. The world is not YET a global village. However, efforts are being made every second to take us a step closer to that globalized era that has been foreseen. that era where the borders of nations are virtually blurred together due to the relationships that will be established among those nations.
Until there is widespread technology coupled with the liberty to share and receive informaion, we may never have a globalized world but as we can all see, hindrances to freedom of information are drastically removing and technology is becoming widespread, we are sure to see a globalized world in no time
Globalization in my own perspective has to do with the growth of the communicative, economic, or technological process, on a global and worldwide scale.
Globalization is d opening up of borders(physical and political) to enhance the exchange of ideas, trade, information and cultures.
This means therefore, that globalization will be attained when there are no boundaries between economies, and nations. No developing and developed or under-developed nations looking to better their own economic status without regard for others.
We will move together, one world, one language, one ideology, one globe.
08be07300- we are still emerging and not yet in a glibalized world.
According to Encarta, a global village is defined as the whole world considered as a single community served by electronic media and information technology.Also, integration means the process of opening a group, community, place, or organization to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or social class. there are still restrictions and barriers to sharing of technology and others, so we are not there yet. according to MC Luhan, globalization means the world is like a small village. therefore, a village has no barriers, characterised by being your brother's keeper, sharing all resources, oneness but the 'globalized' world of today has none of this afore mentioned characteristics. globalization is cahractrerised by imbalances, cultural and media imperialism taht is, domination by some certain groups known as the world powers. therefore,i agree with you that we are not yet globalized.
Globalisation to me has a lot to do with the New communication age(information society) that we discussed in class-this led to the advent of Globalisation. Globalisation means there are no boundaries of any kind. People from different geographical locations and races and so on could be neighbours.It makes persons aware of the happenings around them. So,Yes for for a fact, Globalisation exists but developing countries such as Nigeria are not involved in this and even if we are, our contribution is very little. Globalisation has not reached every part of the world, so it is still a very small village as we speak. You cannot expect poor man in Nigeria to sit down in his house and watch television or surf the Internet on empty stomach do u? of course not!!! He doesn't have time for all that and even if he does he does, he doesn't have the means- that is he does not have access to the technology.
The issue of globalsation very much has to do with information socities and the New Communication Age. Globalisation I feel is a good development but also has ite bad effects on the economies of countries all over the world.
THE debate about globalisation is largely a dialogue of the deaf. On one side, ivory-tower economists tout the benefits of increased trade and cross-border investment, while ignoring (or at least downplaying) the costs. On the other, the critics of freer trade and open capital markets refuse to acknowledge the gains from closer integration, often displaying at best an elementary grasp of economics.
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